How Many Times Have You Started Over in Life? Discovering New Beginnings

Starting New Again, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve done this. With a job, a new home, a new city, a new blog. Starting new is inevitable.

How it all started

During the early months of COVID-19, I remember receiving an email from my hosting company. It stated that I needed to pay for my hosting within 30 days. I got busy, didn’t remember and my blog went dormant. The blog that had over 15 years of content. Looking back on the situation and now know it was all meant to be but at the time – painful.

I lost everything—all the posts, all the images edited for each post—gone! It’s a blogger’s nightmare. Before you ask, “Didn’t you back it up?” I’ll admit that I didn’t. That $19.99 backup fee seemed unnecessary at the time. Now, it feels like a small price to pay for all the memories and projects stored in that one place.

How it’s going

What does this mean? I’m starting again. Same blog, new content.

I know that it’s trendy to focus on all things video. I’ll admit, I’m a video gal too. I also love to write; it soothes my soul and allows me to slow down. Since my recent diagnosis with high blood pressure, I need everything in my life to help me live at a slower pace. Reading has the same effect; it just slows me down. With the new beginning of Our Kind of Beautiful, my hope is for the blog to find the audience it’s meant to reach.

Where we are headed

The kind of audience that starts things over again. The kind of audience that likes to read and enjoy the occasional picture instead of video. The kind of audience that has many different facets to themselves and cannot be pigeonholed into one niche. One who would enjoys exploring all things about themselves and loves meeting new people. Above all, love home, family, and food because that’s what I spilling all the tea on.

Is this you?

WELCOME!! to Our Kind of Beautiful💛