How to live with Hypertension & Diabetes

Let me start by saying this before you read this very long post. I am not a medical professional. That being said, I can sum everything up with these two words. Walk away. Walk away from things/people that upset you. Walk away from foods that do not grow from the earth. Walk away from temptation because it’s everywhere. Step into breathing life into yourself and your future. This coming from the mouth of a mom of young adult children living at home while going to college . A dream husband who also just has the ability to tune you out at the right time. I stepped away from Blogging because it became more stress than it was worth. I stepped away from a second job that I loved but my health was more important. This my opinion not a medical diagnosis. But it’s worked for me. Now, let’s get into it….

This is how I live with Hypertension & Pre-Diabetes

Living with hypertension and pre-diabetes as a mom comes with its unique challenges, but it’s a journey that I’m learning to navigate with love, patience, and determination. Balancing the demands of motherhood while managing these two chronic conditions hasn’t always been easy, but I’m discovering that with the right approach, it’s entirely possible to live a healthy and fulfilling life. Here’s what I’ve learned along the way and how I manage both hypertension and pre-diabetes while caring for my family.

Understanding My Conditions

Hypertension (High Blood Pressure):
Hypertension was something I didn’t think much about until I was diagnosed. It’s known as the “silent killer” because it often doesn’t show symptoms until significant damage has occurred. For me, learning that my blood pressure was too high was a wake-up call to start paying more attention to my health.

Pre-diabetes came into my life with its own set of challenges. Pre-diabetes means that you have a higher than normal blood sugar level. It’s not quite high enough to be considered type 2 diabetes and lifestyle changes are immenate.. High blood sugar can lead to serious complications if not controlled, so it became clear that I needed to get on top of both my blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

The Connection Between Hypertension & Pre-diabetes

When I was diagnosed with both hypertension and pre-diabetes, I learned that these two conditions often go hand-in-hand. Plus they both run in my family (great!) They share common risk factors, like being overweight and leading a sedentary lifestyle—something that was easy to fall into as a busy work from home mom. High blood sugar can damage blood vessels, leading to increased blood pressure, while hypertension can worsen the complications of diabetes. It became clear that managing one condition meant managing the other as well.

How I Manage Hypertension and Diabetes

1. Embracing a Heart-Healthy Diet:
Changing my diet was one of the first steps I took – immediately. I started focusing on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, while cutting back on salt, sugar, and unhealthy fats. What was hard was not eating out. We love a good restaurant. The DASH diet became a guideline for me, helping to lower my blood pressure, while a low-carb approach helped control my blood sugar. I’ve found ways to make these changes family-friendly. I would like to say my kids are eating healthier too but they are young adults and hear nothing but their own voices 😂..

2. Maintaining a Healthy Weight:
After having kids, losing weight was a challenge. But I knew that shedding even a few pounds could make a big difference in managing both my blood pressure and blood sugar. I started incorporating more physical activity into my routine, even simple things like family walks or dance parties in the living room.

3. Exercising Regularly:
Finding time to exercise as a mom can be tough, but I made it a priority. I aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week. Sometimes that means a brisk walk around the neighborhood, other times it’s a workout video at home. The key for me has been consistency and making exercise a family affair whenever possible.

4. Monitoring My Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar:
I’ve learned to stay on top of my numbers. I check my blood pressure regularly with a home monitor and track my blood sugar levels as my doctor advises. Keeping a log of these readings via this app helps me see patterns and make necessary adjustments. It’s become a routine part of my life, like brushing my teeth. I swear by this monitor. I love that both my husband and I can use it but keep logs seperately. Plus, we use the same Withings scale and it all ties together in one app.

5. Taking Medications as Prescribed:
I take my medications exactly as my doctor prescribes, and I’m not afraid to speak up if something doesn’t feel right. Staying in close contact with my healthcare provider has been crucial in finding the right balance in my treatment plan.

6. Managing Stress:
As a mom, stress is a given, but I’ve learned how crucial it is to manage it for my health. I’ve incorporated stress-reducing activities into my daily routine, like meditation, deep breathing, or just taking a few quiet moments for myself. I’ve also learned the importance of getting enough sleep, which isn’t always easy with a full house, but it’s a priority for my overall well-being. I use allot of essential oils and hit the spa when needed.

7. Avoiding Smoking and Limiting Alcohol:
I’ve never smoked so that was a blessing. I do however love white wine. That being said, I keep my wine consumption to a minimum, as it can interfere with managing my conditions. It’s all about making choices that support my long-term health and being a role model for my kids.

8. Staying Informed and Involved in My Care:
I’ve made it a point to educate myself about hypertension and diabetes (this does not include instagram & TikTok research). The more I know, the better I can manage my health. I keep up with regular check-ups and stay involved in my care, asking questions and making sure I understand the next steps in my treatment.

Living Well as a Mama with Hypertension and Diabetes

Living with hypertension and diabetes while raising a family, working a full-time job has taught me the importance of taking care of myself. By adopting a healthy lifestyle, staying on top of my medical care, and making informed decisions, I’m able to manage my conditions effectively and still be the mom I want to be.

I’ve realized that my health journey is part of what makes me a stronger, more compassionate person. I’m not just doing this for me; I’m doing it for my family too. And while it’s not always easy, I know that with the right tools and support, I can continue to live well and enjoy every moment with my loved ones.

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