
image Does the above ad look different than your page 15 Walgreens ad? It sure does. Walgreens made a booboo. I went last night to do the Aveeno & deodorant deals. Well, of course I wanted what was pictured…the Right Guard Extreme. Made my purchase and was pleasantly surprised it rang up at $2.99. With my $1 coupon I only paid $1.99. But wait…no $5 RR. So the clerk and I played with a few deodorants and figured the wording on the ad mentioned only clinical or professional strength. That’s it… we discovered what was wrong. So we rang up the Right Guard Professional Strength and it printed out my $5 RR. Oopsy Walgreens! All that really mattered was that I received my $5 RR. But thank goodness I didn’t try and do this purchase with my little bumpkins. I kid you not I was in Wags for about an hour. Worth it though because I made out like a bandit. They had tons of Tylenol (Rapid Release & 8 hour) all on clearance ranging from $3 down to $1. Lot’s of RR and lot’s of freebies. Thanks Walgreens!

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