New Blog Feature #1

I’ve added this new feature to my blog because…well…I simply forget all the items I post that have expiration dates on them. I wanted a way to remember what hot items I need to remember to buy, purchase or places to visit.  Here is a snapshot of what it look like:
You can find this new feature directly under my header at the top listed as EVENT CALENDAR.  It’s cool because if you have a Google account you can now add this even to your calendar too without copy & pasting anything. Simple click on the event your interested in and there will be two details. (1) More details (2) copy to my calendar. My hubby loves this feature because he has a G1 (Google based phone) so when he syncs his cell phone it will pick any new calendar additions. That’s about it, if you have anything you would like added to my calendar that I missed or just would like to share…just e-mail this info and I will update it. Hope you enjoy! There’s more little goodies to come.