$5 Children Outfits (cute)

imageimage Ok, so I have a rule of thumb when frugal shopping. I love it..get it. But if I want a deal…it better be under $5. It just sounds good to my brain when I can get something for super cheap. At the same time I’ve learned over the years if I am in LOVE (this would be the kind of love that you dream of at night and wake up thinking you already have) I just need to purchase it, if it’s within our budget.

So the weekend is upon us and if you haven’t planned some cute outfits for your little ones and have some BBQ’s to hit up…check out The Children’s Place. I don’t usually shop there because there too expensive and my twins grow like little weeds but ..sometimes they have descent sales and I can do an outfit or two. I just received this e-mail on some $5 offers…took a look at it and thought it was worth sharing. So check it out and let me know what you found.

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