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ON Shopping Follow-up

I’m finally back from our exhausting but fun trip. I have so much to tell you all.

Firstly, about Old Navy. I wrote earlier about the half off sale for Men. And about my purchase on Friday. Well let me lay it all out for you. I had a $50 off $100 purchase (Thanks CC) So I was able to purchase $100 worth of merchandise for $50 out of pocket. For a family of 4 this is awesome. However, today I went back in with my receipt and had them do a price adjustment from my Friday’s purchase. Do you know what they gave me back?? I’ll tell ya, …..$47 bucks. So for $100 worth of merchandise I paid $3. For all those ON weekly skeptics out there….it really is a fabulous thing!!

Secondly, since I was in Cali I thought it be advantageous to grab some Cali newspapers since as you’ve read in many of my recent post (NV is often forgotten about in the coupon world)…and not to my surprise when I purchased my papers today in Cali…there were 3 inserts – P&G, Red Plum and Smart Source. This is a Nevada dream to get all 3 of these often. Not only were there more coupons in the Cali paper but when I got home and compared them to my NV papers for today, they weren’t even the same ones. There were some that were the same but then there were some that my mouth just dropped open and hit the floor. I know this is all a demographics game but …MAN! hard to swallow sometimes.
Third, I just wanted to point out my new little e-mail button.
This is not a new feature just jazzed it up a bit so you can find it. It’s located in the same spot just a little cuter!

I can’t wait to go through all the sale ads and price compare for OUR little state – Nevada – and find some great deals. Until then, look out for my Fresh & Easy post tomorrow. I think I have officially hooked my hubby (Luke) into loving how great Fresh & Easy is. The produce packs are awesome!

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