Shopping @ Albertsons..print print print

Wow! Have you all printed those Kraft’s coupons yet? If you did let’s print more. Click here & here for more printing. You should be able to print 2 times for each coupon by either clicking the back button or checking the items you want for a second time and printing again.
Enjoy! I will be making my Albertson’s grocery list today and making some challenges for myself. For example, they have (1) buy $20 of participating products & get $5 off. (2) and spend a minimum of $25 and you can use the coupon savings items. And this list is pretty great…Kraft cheese $1.88 ($1 Kraft coupon ..use it here) which makes it .88…I think that’s a deal. So I’ll be trying a bunch of different things in one or maybe two transactions.
Stay tuned for my list……..or subscribe here

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